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Sometime in ancient Egypt.

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Related questions

What does nekhbet look like?

In art, Nekhbet was depicted as the griffon vulture (representing purification), always seen on the front of pharaoh's double crown along with Wadjet.

Who is the vulture goddess of Egypt?

The Goddess of Nekhbet is the Vulture Goddess of Egypt.

Did Nekhbet have any stories or myths about her?

yes she did in the myth shamanic mysteriousness

Did the goddess Nekhbet have children?

No, although a consort of Hapy/Hapi, she is said to have adopted children.

To which goddess in Egyptian mythology is the vulture sacred?

The vulture is sacred to the goddess Nekhbet in Egyptian mythology.

Is Hapi the Nile River God married?

Yes. In Upper Egypt he was married to Nekhbet. In Lower Egypt he married to Wadjet.

Why is wadjet important to Egyptian society?

Wadjet the patron goddess of all of Lower Egypt and 'twin' in the guardianship of Egypt with the vulture goddess Nekhbet. She was a protector of the pharoah.

What did Mut the Egyptian goddess look like?

Mut is most often depicted as a woman wearing the double crown plus a royal vulture headdress, associating her with Nekhbet.

What is the name of the hawk headed Egyptian god?

The name of the Egyptians vulture god is Nekhbet.

Were there any bad gods of ancient Egypt?

Set isn't technically evil, but the antagonist gods of the Kane Chronicles are Serqet, Sekhmet, Nekhbet, and Babi. Apophis is evil itself.

Does the cobra and vulture together in Ancient Egyptian times mean you are a God in the afterlife?

No, the cobra is goddess Wadjet patron of Lower Egypt and the patron of Upper Egypt is the vulture goddess Nekhbet

Is Isis the only goddess with wings?

No, in fact Mut, and other vulture goddesses such as Nekhbet (Nekhebet, Nechbet) as well as Tefnut and Nut and Nephthys had wings. Wings not only associated them as sky goddesses, but as powerful protectors.