Justin Drew Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, 12:56 am on a Tuesday, Justin was born in St. Judes Hospital, 2nd floor, wheing 7 pounds, 11 oz, was wrapped in a purple blanket at birth, and it was raining! <3
It's like a really warm blanket
Blanket is a boy, his name is Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II.
Prince Michael Jackson I (but born Michael Joseph Jackson Jr.) (b. 1997) Age 12 Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson (b. 1998) Age 11 Prince Michael Jackson II (but better known as "Blanket") (b. 2002) Age 7
"Blanket" is the nickname for singer Michael Jackson's second son, Prince Michael Jackson II. It was explained in the following manner, by the King of Pop himself, in his own words. "It's an expression I use with my family and my employees. I say, 'You should blanket me or you should blanket her', meaning like a blanket is a blessing. It's a way of showing love and caring."
He was born in 2002.
He was born in San Diego.
get your blanket out. get your blanket out.
My blanket is very soft. I have a nice blanket. You can't have my blanket.
as soft as a blanket
It is a blanket that warms. The clue is in the name. Overwhelmingly, the type of blanket most befitting this description for sale on the internet is an electric blanket- a blanket that is electrically heated.
Justin Drew Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, 12:56 am on a Tuesday, Justin was born in St. Judes Hospital, 2nd floor, wheing 7 pounds, 11 oz, was wrapped in a purple blanket at birth, and it was raining! <3
no he was not born in a tube because in the autobiography about him with hundreds of pages it say that he was born with nothing special that happened to him so no
Blanket (bedcover) : une couverture (fem.) blanket (general, as in a blanket amnisty): général(e) = une amnistie générale
A wet blanket is a better heat conductor than a dry blanket because water is more conductive than air. The moisture in the wet blanket helps to transfer heat more efficiently from the body to the blanket.
Blanket (Michael Joseph Jackson II) was born on February 21st 2002 in Grossmont Hospital, San Diego. Michael Jackson is his biological father.
Just to expand on this, my little boy is 2 yrs old and he has had the same blankey since he was born. It is a green Lizard blanket from blanket & beyond brand. I can not find it anywhere and have tried every way to get in touch with the co. He lost his blankey today and is so sad. Please help me find this blanket. I don't care what it costs. Thank you.