he should rot in jail for killing his mother ,,when he dies GOD and his mother will be waiting for him ,,his greed and his dumness his his downfall
Lucas Melton's birth name is Lucas James Melton.
Lucas Wecker's birth name is Lucas Benedict Wecker.
Ivo Lucas's birth name is Ivo Marcelo Pretorius Lucas.
Billy Lucas died in 1998.
Lucas Cody Garcia's birth name is Lucas Cody Garcia.
George Lucas
No, he is still alive at the age of 65.
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg did not work on the Star Wars movies together. This is largely due to the fact that Spielberg was in the Director's Guild and Lucas was not.
Frank Lucas was in prison two separate times. He spent a total of 12 years in prison and is currently under witness protection.
George Lucas Or Steven Speilberg
Steven Lucas
George Lucas created Star Wars, not Steven Spielberg
Everyone was his partner, but George Lucas was.
The 1981 movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" was directed by Steven Spielberg and co-written by George Lucas.
just wanted to know how and what frank lucas is doing with his life now
George Lucas is thinkig about it, but he also is thinking about retirement