Zvika Greengold _national hero
Zvika Hadar was born on April 7, 1966, in Beersheba, Israel.
Zvika Hadar's birth name is Fruchter, Zvika.
1. Prayan Animation Studio Pvt.Ltd. 2.DQ Entertainment 3.Greengold 4.Toonz Animation
The cast of Shishi Show - 1995 includes: Zvika Hadar as Host
The cast of Ha-Joker - 2001 includes: Zvika Hadar as Host
The cast of The Bag Lady - 2010 includes: Eric Greengold as Boyfriend Vishal Narang as Park Dweller
The cast of My Fatherland Vegas - 2013 includes: Zvika Nathan Leon Nonin
The cast of Asinu esek - 1994 includes: Avri Gilad as Host (1994-1995) Zvika Hadar as Host (1996)
The cast of Shmor Alai - 2010 includes: Zvika Forman as Artzi Davidi Hoffman as Shahar Guy Kapulnik as Eitan
The cast of Yaldei Kenyon Hazahav - 1995 includes: Michal Dohan Hilla Mesika as Keren Zachi Noy Zvika Shwartzberg Michal Zooaretz