Yiannakis Yiangoudakis was born on 1959-01-17.
Yiannakis Omirou was born on 1951-09-18.
Kyriakos Matsis was born in 1926.
Kyriakos Matsis died in 1958.
Generally they are carnivorous and eat smaller insects.
You would be very unlikely to translate a brand name: England's Glory matches would be called matsis England's Gloryin Welsh. However, the literal translation of "England's glory" is gogoniant Lloegr.
she was born when she was born she was born when she was born
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To become born: He is being born. He was born. He will be born.
you were born on means the date. you were born in means where you were born.
Friedrich Born was born in 1903.
Ulrich Born was born in 1950.