Zenza Raggi's birth name is Karim Sabaheddine.
Tulio Diaz is 5' 8 1/2".
There are many Mexican restaurants in Norman, OK. Based on the number of internet reviews, the most popular is Tarahumaras Mexican Cafe and Cantina on North Porter Ave. Other offerings include La Luna Mexican Cafe, Chelinos, Tulio's, and Pepe Delgados. Pepe Delgados has the highest rankings. It is at 786 Asp Avenue.
Iris Born was born in 1954.
Ivan Born was born in 1778.
Mario Raggi was born in 1821.
Antonio Raggi was born in 1624.
Gonippo Raggi was born in 1875.
Tulio Chiossone was born in 1905.
Reena Raggi was born on 1951-05-11.
Andrea Raggi was born on 1984-06-24.
Pietro Paolo Raggi was born in 1646.
Zenza Raggi's birth name is Karim Sabaheddine.
Florencia Raggi was born on October 29, 1972, in Argentina.
Tulio Halperín Donghi was born in 1926.
Tulio Larrinaga was born on 1847-01-15.
Oscar Tulio Lizcano was born in 1947.