Tita Duran was born in 1929, in Philippines.
Tita Bell was born on February 16, 1953, in USA.
Tita Merello was born on October 11, 1904, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tita Duran died in 1991, in Philippines.
Alexander von Winiwarter was born in 1848.
Tita von Hardenberg's birth name is Katharina Isabel Grfin von Hardenberg.
Karl August von Hardenberg was born in 1750.
Astrid Gräfin von Hardenberg was born in 1925.
Carl-Hans Graf von Hardenberg was born in 1891.
Karl August von Hardenberg died in 1822.
Carl-Hans Graf von Hardenberg died in 1958.
Albrecht von Hardenberg has written: 'Rundwanderungen West-Berlin' -- subject(s): Tours
Sophie von Hardenberg has written: 'Zur Frauenfrage' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Women, Women's rights
Albert Hardenberg was born in 1510.
Tita von Hardenberg has: Performed in "Polizeiruf 110" in 1971. Played herself in "Die Harald Schmidt Show" in 1995. Played Herself - Host in "Polylux" in 1997. Performed in "Sabine Christiansen" in 1998. Played herself in "Hart aber fair" in 2001. Played Herself - Host (2010-) in "Foyer - Das Theatermagazin" in 2001. Played herself in "Leute am Donnerstag" in 2004. Played herself in "Harald Schmidt" in 2004. Played herself in "Im Palais" in 2004. Played herself in "Die Niels Ruf Show" in 2006.
The cast of Polylux - 1997 includes: Marlene Assmann Manfred Dumke as himself Steffen Hallaschka as Host (2002) Jessica Schwarz as herself Carsten Van Ryssen as Reporter Tita von Hardenberg as Herself - Host
Tita Duran was born in 1929, in Philippines.