Thylane Blondeau lives in France.
Yes, Thylane Blondeau can speak. She is a French model and actress who is fluent in French, English, and possibly other languages.
She is about 4 feet tall.
Yes, Thylane Blondeau is fluent in English in addition to her native French language. She has appeared in international fashion shows and campaigns, indicating her ability to communicate in English.
Thérèse Blondeau was born in 1913.
Gustav Blondeau was born on 1871-03-08.
Jean-Yves Blondeau was born in 1970.
Patrick Blondeau was born on January 27, 1968.
Patrick Blondeau was born on January 27, 1968.
The nearest you would get to any celebrity - would be their agent or publicity company ! No-one in the 'public-eye' would give out personal contact information - to prevent drunken 'fans' calling them at 3am !
Gustav Blondeau died on 1965-03-03.
Anne Blondeau has written: 'Dans le bruit des naufrages'