Jake Thomas who plays Matt McGuire
Patti McGuire was born on September 5, 1951.
The McGuire Sisters were born in Middletown, Ohio, United States.
Lizzie McGuire is a fictional character from the early 2000s television show of the same name. She was born and raised in the United States.
Biff McGuire's birth name is McGuire, William Biff.
Medal of Honor winner Thomas McGuire.
Yes. Jake Thomas plays Matt McGuire (Lizzie's brother) is Lizzie McGuire.
Thomas R. McGuire House was created in 1915.
Jake Thomas who plays Matt McGuire
McGuire twins was born in 1946.
Stryker McGuire was born in 1947.
Annie McGuire was born in 1977.
Patricia McGuire was born in 1952.
Andrew McGuire was born in 1945.
Bryan McGuire was born in 1958.
Kim McGuire was born in 1956.
Bruce McGuire was born in 1962.