Delon Dotson was born in 1966.
Santana Dotson's birth name is Santana N. Dotson.
his mom is called starla efron and his dad is called david efron
Zac Efron's real color hair is brown (he has dyed it to black & dark brown). He works out a he's muscular. About 5.3 ft He is considered the hottest boy after Nick Jonas right now.
Zac Efron's mother, Starla Efron, was married before he was born. Actually, Zac Efron has said that he vaguely remembers his parent's wedding, so it would seem that they were not married when he was born.
Starla Fox was born on November 30, 1981, in Van Nuys, California, USA.
Starla Sterling was born on March 21, 1986, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
Delon Dotson was born in 1966.
Carlton Dotson was born on 1982-06-01.
Lionel Dotson was born on 1985-02-11.
Alphonse Dotson was born on 1943-02-25.
Demar Dotson was born on 1985-10-11.
Damyean Dotson was born on May 6, 1994
Earl Dotson was born on December 17, 1970, in Beaumont, Texas, USA.
Richard Dotson was born on January 10, 1959, in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Tracy Dotson was born on June 15, 1967, in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Damyean Dotson was born on May 6, 1994