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Slats Long was born in 1906.

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Q: When was Slats Long born?
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When did Slats Long die?

Slats Long died in 1964.

When was Slats Gill born?

Slats Gill was born on 1901-05-01.

When was Slats Jordan born?

Slats Jordan was born on 1878-09-27.

When and where was baseball player Slats Jordan born?

Slats Jordan was born September 27, 1878, in Baltimore, MD, USA.

What is a blind with horizontal slats?

Venetian is a blind with horizontal slats.

When did Slats Gill die?

Slats Gill died on 1966-04-05.

When did Slats Jordan die?

Slats Jordan died on 1953-12-07.

What do the slats do on an airplane?

The slats stabilize the plane (Mc Doneld Douglas DC10 for example) for take off. There has been two crashes in the instance when the pilots forgot to extend their flaps and slats.

What advantages do flaps and slats give an airplane?

The Flaps And Slats Give An Airplane More Lift At Low Speeds.

Where are the leading edge slats on a 747-400?

On 747-400, inboard Kruger slats will retract when applying reverse during landing, to avoid the structure damage to the slats. This information is from a book about 747-400.

What is the function of slats in aircraft?

Slats are used to reconfigure the wing in a high speed, or high angle-of-attack maneuover. When the units of angle of attack increase, the wing chord decreases. Slats compensate for this occurance.

When and where did baseball player Slats Jordan die?

Slats Jordan died December 7, 1953, in Catonsville, MD, USA.