slim shady is 38 and was born october 17, 1972 and his name is not slim shady it is marshall Bruce mathers the 3rd he was born in saint Joseph hospital in Missouri/United States one of his duaghters names is hailey mathers
eminem has said he is still slim shady, the relapse/refill album was not the last of shady, recovery was just suposed to be his serious album, eminem has although said shady will calm down a little bit.
Shady Records was created in 1999.
The meaning of the song The Real Slim Shady is to say that he is Slim Shady and no posers are.
He was 27. He was born in 72 and dropped the album in 99
Shady Wall died in 1985.
Ruth Shady was born in 1946.
Shady Mohamed was born on 1977-11-29.
Shady Qudsi was born on June 18, 1990, in Nazareth, Israel.
Shady Othman was born on September 20, 1981, in Damascus, Syria.
Shady Chaaban was born on June 23, 1989, in Brussels, Belgium.
Mark Shady was born on June 8, 1973, in San Jose, California, USA.
October 17th 1972.
he lives in missouri.
slim shady is 38 and was born october 17, 1972 and his name is not slim shady it is marshall Bruce mathers the 3rd he was born in saint Joseph hospital in Missouri/United States one of his duaghters names is hailey mathers
If you fast travel to the Chestnut Handy stables, then start walking around the city wall directly in front of you, you'll meet Shady Sam stood against it a short distance away.
December 25, 1995