"Sek Loso" (Seksan Sukpimai) is 43 years old (birthdate: August 7, 1974).
Sau Sek was born on November 21, 1950, in Hong Kong.
Sau Sek is 5' 7".
"Well... fabolous calls him self loso because faboLOUS. He just added the extra o for a hotter name!!! And fabolous because hes FABULOUSE!" Actually it's because he's of Dominican descent. Fabolous in Spanish is faboLOSO.
Seo Gyeong-deok died in 1546.
Iris Born was born in 1954.
Sek Loso was born on August 7, 1974.
David Loso was born on April 21, 1987, in Auburn, Washington, USA.
Sau Sek was born on November 21, 1950, in Hong Kong.
Chan Sek Keong was born on November 5, 1937.
Loso's Way was created in 2007.
David Loso is 183 cm.
Chan Sek Keong was born on November 5, 1937.
Chan Sek Keong is 80 years old. He was born on November 5, 1937.
Sau Sek's birth name is Sek Sau Chan.
Sau Sek is 5' 7".
"Well... fabolous calls him self loso because faboLOUS. He just added the extra o for a hotter name!!! And fabolous because hes FABULOUSE!" Actually it's because he's of Dominican descent. Fabolous in Spanish is faboLOSO.