Hi, this is a stand alone monologue. Watch out for more from Nick Teed in the next LAMDA anthology and he's writing a book of monologues for publication later this year.
The murders in the movie Scream take place in the peaceful town of Woodboro, California, or not so peaceful town! all credits go to chacha !
Fay Wray went by The Queen of Scream, and Queen of the Bs.
When Mindless Behavior was on the scream tour and they were rehearsing. Ray Ray happened to be unlucky and popped his joint out of place. If you want to see something funny, go to youtube and type in the following; Princeton teasing RayRay. You have to watch the one that says inside of parentheses, try not to laught. It's hilarious. Thanks.
Go-Gurt was created in 1999.
Go Faster was created in 2007.
It's in the LAMDA(The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) book Acting Anthology Volume 2 You can buy it on Amazon. Hope this helps E.Prior
Hi, this is a stand alone monologue. Watch out for more from Nick Teed in the next LAMDA anthology and he's writing a book of monologues for publication later this year.
faster than you want to go !
You hang on the lightbulb on top of "The Scream". Then you will be taken to jail as you will be thought to steal "The Scream". If you want a complete walkthrough, go to "poptropicasecrets.com".
I Want to Go Home was created in 1981.
faster than you want!
because they have trained their dog to go faster whan they say "mush"
I Don't Want You to Go was created on 2001-12-10.
I Want To Go Back To Michigan was created in 1914.
I Don't Want to Go Home was created in 1976.
I Wanna Go was created in 2009.