Ross Lynch was born on December 29, 1995.
bob ross was born on October 29, 1942
Andy Rooney was born on January 14, 1919.
Ross Wilson - ambassador - was born in 1955.
Kenneth Bruce Ross was born in 1897.
Ross Vasta is a member of the Australian House of Representatives and has not written any books. He is a politician and his work primarily involves legislative duties and representing his constituents.
Epiparthia vasta was created in 1935.
Vasilis Papakonstadinou was born on June 21, 1950, in Vasta, Arkadia, Greece.
Clark Ross was born in 1957.
Ross Brown was born in 1981.
Ross Davis was born in 1950.
Norman Ross was born in 1896.
Richie Ross was born on 1982-08-28.
Ross Lyons was born in 1984.
Ross Clifford was born in 1951.
Ross Wallace was born on May 23, 1985.
Ross Finbow was born in 1982.