King Robert II of France was born on March 27, 972.
James Paul Roeske II was born on July 17, 1989, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Rich people mainly, when their father had the same name. like James Canterbury II. That just means his father was James Canterbury I
Eric II of Denmark was born in 1090.
Robert Newbegin II was born in 1905.
Robert II of Scotland was born on March 2, 1316.
Robert J. Smith II was born in 1963.
Robert II of France was born on 972-03-27.
James II of Aragon was born in 1267.
James Dalton II was born in 1910.
James Boag II was born in 1854.
James II of Majorca was born in 1243.
Bob Ferrey's birth name is Robert Hayes Ferrey II.
King Robert II of Scotland was born on March 2, 1316.
Robert J. Marks II was born on 1950-08-25.
Robert Gould Shaw II was born on 1872-06-16.