Robert Alesch was born in 1906.
Robert Edmond Miller was born in 1947.
Robert Bates was born in 1942.
Robert Huscher was born in 1938.
Robert Klein was born on February 8, 1942.
Robert Haab died in 1939.
Otto Haab was born in 1850.
Gordy Haab was born on March 10, 1976, in Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Gordy Haab's birth name is Gordon Winfield Haab III.
Otto Haab died in 1931.
Haab's Restaurant was created in 1934.
simply herbs is tanni haab herbs is haab
The cast of Knuste Haab - 1906 includes: Margrete Jespersen
The Mayan Tzolkin calendar has 260 days, and the Haab has 360 days. The Tzolkin calendar was used for daily life, but the Haab was used for religious holidays and such.
the mayans