When you want to add some landscaping to your yard but don't have much sun, it can be difficult to find the right shrubs. Flowering shrubs like the Japanese Rose, Climbing Hydrangea, and Rhododendron thrive in the shade. Yews and Hemlocks while not flowering love the shade as well.
DWLS was created in 1955.
Conus orbignyi was created in 1831.
Drosera rupicola was created in 1982.
The Swinger was created in 1966.
Alcyonidium hirsutum was created in 1828.
Rhododendron prunifolium was created in 1913.
Camp Rhododendron was created in 1942.
Rhododendron crassifolium was created in 1894.
Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden was created in 1950.
The scientific name for rhododendron is Rhododendron.
For a species rhododendron such as Rhododendron maximum, it is written: R. maximum. For a hybrid rhododendron such as Rhododendron 'Nova Zembla', it is written Rcv. 'Nova Zembla' (Rcv. meaning rhododendron cultivar). For a selection of a species such as Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada', it is called R. yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' although you may see it written Rcv. 'Koichiro Wada'.
The state flower is the Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum).
Rhododendron is the state flower for the State of Washington.
The cotton plant, most of which is Gossypium hirsutum.
named it as rhododendron, or the rhododendron was won in a flower contest, sorry folks that's all i know