Redi was born Feburary 19, 1626 in Arezzo, Italy
Laura Redi was born on January 8, 1920, in Reims, Marne, France.
Francesco Redi's last name is Redi.
Redi took might refer to Francesco Redi, the Italian naturalist, physician, and poet. Redi took might also refer to the Redi Clinic in Houston, Texas.
Francesco Redi was an Italian poet and physician. He was born in Pisa, Italy on February 18, 1626 and died in Pisa, Italy on March 1, 1697.
Francesco Redi was a doctor and naturalist who was born in Arezzo, Italy on February 18, 1626. Redi was also a published poet. He never married.
Maximum time of Day in solar syatem is VENUS, Minimum JUPI..
redi's middle name is mulala
Francesco Redi proved the theory of spontaneous generation.
Laura Redi's birth name is Corvisier Reder, Laura.
The manipulated variable in Redi's experiment was the gauze lid he put on the jar.
St. Teresa Redi is a saint but not a patron saint.