Ray Stevens
Ray Stevens - Wrote and sang it.
Oh, dude, like, in the Ray Stevens Comedy Video Classics from 1992, you got Ray Stevens himself, obviously, because it's his show, right? And then you've got some other actors and actresses sprinkled in there to make it all fancy and stuff. But, like, honestly, who even remembers their names? It's all about Ray Stevens and his legendary comedy, man.
John Austin Stevens was born in 1827.
The Haircut Song by Ray Stevens
Ray Stevens was born on January 24, 1939.
Ray Stevens is 78 years old (born Harold Ray Ragsdale, January 24, 1939).
Ray Stevens - politician - was born on 1953-02-01.
This Is Ray Stevens was created in 1963.
Ray Stevens wrote the Streak. He also wrote Ahab The Arab.
Get the Best of Ray Stevens was created in 1987.
Classic Ray Stevens was created on 1993-06-15.
Ray Stevens Christmas was created on 2009-09-25.
The Most of Ray Stevens was created on 1994-08-23.
The Very Best of Ray Stevens was created in 1975-12.
He Thinks He's Ray Stevens was created in 1984-11.
Ray Stevens' Greatest Hits was created in 1971-07.