Elika Rezaee's birth name is Elika Rezaee Shoustari.
In Hawaiian, the name "Eric" can be translated to "Erik" or "Elika."
Elika Crespo Elika Crespo plays Filomina in Los Links Dos. The actress in Los Links Uno still remains unknown.
Elika Crespo
Erica = Elika
Elika Crespo
Elika...??... Eric is not a Samoan name so doesnt have a translation. But I have a friend who's name is Eric and his dad calls him Elika... Dont know if that helps. :-)
Eric in Hawaiian is Elikapeka.
In Hawaiian, "Erika" can be spelled as "Erika."
The cast of U-Bahn - 2005 includes: Jaroslav Rudis Radomil Uhlir
just talk to her. Or don't. she always likes you. It's not really relevant to the story