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Prokash Karmakar was born in 1933.

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Are karmakar scheduled castes?

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No, Karmakars are blacksmith and goldsmith more over the Viswakarma of Bengal.

What has the author Radhu Karmarkar written?

Radhu Karmarkar has written: 'Radhu Karmakar, the painter of lights'

What movie and television projects has Rimca Karmakar been in?

Rimca Karmakar has: Played Samina in "Straight Talking" in 2008. Played Pub girl in "Wasters" in 2009. Played Feminist in "The Two Sides of Oneness" in 2010. Played Party-goer in "Uncle" in 2013. Played Imogen in "P.O.V" in 2014.

Who is director of WHO?

NABARD is Headed by Shri U C Sarangi, IAS, Chairman. Its Managing Director is Shri K G Karmakar.

Which caste does surname karmakar belong to?

The surname "Karmakar" is commonly associated with the Kayastha caste in India. Kayasthas traditionally held administrative and clerical roles in society. This caste is considered to be among the upper castes in the Hindu social hierarchy.