Uriel Jones went by Possum.
Cassidy Possum Tjapaltjarri was born in 1923.
Peter 'Possum' Bourne was born on April 13, 1956.
When Jones was younger, he looked just like a opossum in the face[thoes narrow beedy eyes
Possum Whitted was born on February 4, 1890, in Durham, North Carolina, USA.
Possum Whitted was born February 4, 1890, in Durham, NC, USA.
Peter 'Possum' Bourne was born on April 13, 1956.
They can be born about as big as a jelly bean.
In George Jones' own words: "I had an album out with a side view of me with a crew cut. I was very young, and my nose looked more turned up, and I've got little beady eyes so I guess I did look like a possum! So they both laid into me and called me 'Possum,' and it got everywhere. There was no way I could stop that, so (I thought) I'll just have to live with that!"
Sandy Jones was born in 1943.
Abraham Jones was born in 1875.