Phyllis Gretzky died on December 19, 2005, in Brantford, Ontario, Canada of lung cancer.
Phyllis Laing was born in Winnipeg, in Manitoba, Canada.
Phyllis Diller had her eyeliner permanently tattooed on. Phyllis was an entertainer and comedienne who was born in Ohio in 1017.
Paulina Gretzky is 5' 8".
Phyllis Lovit's birth name is Phyllis Lynn Steinback.
Phyllis Matthewman died in 1979.
Phyllis Gretzky
Phyllis and Walter Gretzky
Phyllis Gretzky, but sadly she passed away from cancer.
Paulina Gretzky was born on December 19, 1988.
Phyllis and Walter
Walter and Phyllis
His parents names are Walter and Phyllis.
Phyllis Gretzky, maiden name Hockin
Wayne Gretzky was born on January 26, 1961.
Keith Gretzky was born on February 16, 1967.
Brent Gretzky was born on February 20, 1972.