Philippos Balabanos goes by Balabanos.
Philippos Sofianos was born in 1957, in Kalamata, Greece.
The cast of Goat Song - 2011 includes: Philippos Balabanos as Moustached man Ioannis Makris as Grandfather Alexander Pantelis Palioudakis as Man in cafe Elias Scoufaras as Alexander Zoe Zacharee as The girl
Philippos Sofianos's birth name is Zoukas, Philippos.
Philippos D. Drakontaides has written: 'I diplomatouhos ton pianou'
The cast of Dichotomous - 2013 includes: Philippos Balabanos as Jonesy the Concierge Karine Dashney as Zoe Nick Drossos as Golden Dawn Battlebot 1 Constantine Kourtidis as The Chief Andre Navarre as Golden Dawn IT whiz Leonidas Papas as Elderly Gentleman Angelis Sarbanis as Leonidas Kamil Thompson Hutchinson as William Sacha Voskian as Golden Dawn Battlebot 2
Philippos E liou has written: 'Ideologikes chre seis tou Koraismou ston 20. aio na'
Philippos D. Drakontaeide s has written: 'Pros Ophrynio' 'E diplo matouchos tou pianou'
Philippos Phivos Frangos has written a range of books covering topics such as political philosophy, history, and education. He is also known for his work as a translator and editor, translating classical texts and contributing to various publications.
Philippos J Loukissas has written: 'The implementation of downtown auto-restricted projects' -- subject(s): Case studies, Central business districts, Pedestrian areas, City traffic
Its Πόλ. In greek Paul is Παύλος (Paulos)
In Greek: Φίλιππος, or Philippos.