pernell Roberts was born on May 18, 1928
Tyus Edney is 5' 10".
Pernell Whitaker was born on January 2, 1964.
Yes Pernell is Christian, and He takes it very seriously,
Pernell Roberts went by The Liberal Cartwright.
Tyus Edney was born on February 14, 1973.
Tyus Jackson was born on 1983-11-22.
Wyomia Tyus is 66 years old (birthdate: August 29, 1945).
Tyus Edney was born on February 14, 1973.
Wyomia Tyus was born on August 29, 1945.
Geoffrey Pernell was born in 1970.
Chris Youngblood was born in 1967.
Gene Youngblood was born in 1942.
Lonnie Youngblood was born in 1941.
Nathan Youngblood was born in 1954.
Kneeland Youngblood was born in 1955.
Pernell Whitaker was born on January 2, 1964.