Philip Sansom was born in 1916.
Odette Delacroix is 5'.
Odette Annable is 5' 8 1/2".
Oprah Oriel Ollie Olivia Odette
Odile and Yvette at the Edge of the World - 1993 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG
Odette Sansom Hallowes died on March 13, 1995 at the age of 82.
Odette Sansom Hallowes was born on April 28, 1912 and died on March 13, 1995. Odette Sansom Hallowes would have been 82 years old at the time of death or 103 years old today.
Odette Sansom Hallowes died on March 13, 1995 at the age of 82.
Odette Hallowes was born on April 28, 1912, in Amiens, Somme, France.
Odette Sansom was born on April 28, 1912.
Odette Sansom was born on April 28, 1912.
Odette Hallowes's birth name is Odette Marie Cline Brailly.
Geoffrey Hallowes was born in 1918.
Nathaniel Hallowes was born in 1582.
Rupert Price Hallowes was born on 1881-05-05.
William Hallowes Miller was born on 1801-04-06.
William Sansom was born in 1912.