Nzinga Asantewa was born on September 14, 1986, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Nzinga Asantewa is 5' 7".
Nzinga Blake was born in 1981.
Daniel Ntongi-Nzinga was born in 1946.
Christian Nzinga was born on 1985-06-12.
She was born in Ndongo now called Angola
Nzinga Blake's birth name is Christine Nzinga Blake.
born 1581 and died December 17th in the year 1663
QueensThis formidable black Queen Candace, was world as a military .. Yaa Asantewa's war was the last of the major war in Africa led by a .
Yes Queen Nzinga did have siblings
"Those who are slaves to their appetites get toended by them." - Queen Nzinga
Queen Nzinga did not live in the Middle Ages, but a bit later. You can get information about her by using the link below.