Noelia Demichelli's birth name is Noelia Soledad Demichelli.
Noel Torres is 30 years old (born December 30, 1987).
Noelia Lorenzo Monge is most famous for her Puertican pop singing career. Her first album, which was self titled, earned the distinction of gold in the United States in 1999.
Julieta Ortega was born on October 6, 1972, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
No! they never got married! (Thank God!). As far as i know he is still single, and she...well, you know what he does...
Noelia Artigas was born in 1989.
Noelia Oncina was born in 1976.
Noelia Gil was born on 1994-05-23.
Noelia López was born on 1986-11-10.
Noelia Deza was born on October 9, 1983, in Madrid, Spain.
Noelia Campo was born on August 17, 1976, in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Noelia Fonte was born on November 17, 1984, in Guitiriz, Lugo, Galicia, Spain.
Noelia Urdangaray was born on April 1, 1980, in Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Noelia Chaparro's birth name is Noelia Chaparro.
Noelia Demichelli's birth name is Noelia Soledad Demichelli.
Noelia Chaparro is 5' 2".
Noelia Marzol is 160 cm.