Aly Ben Ayed was born on August 15, 1930, in Hammam-Lif,
When did Aly Ben Ayed die?
Aly Ben Ayed died on February 14, 1972, in Patterson, New
Jersey, USA.
What has the author Rym Ben Ayed Mouelhi written?
Rym Ben Ayed Mouelhi has written:
'Efficiency measure from dynamic stochastic production
What actors and actresses appeared in O Encontro - 2004?
The cast of O Encontro - 2004 includes: Nejib Ben Kalfallah Lea
Capkova Danya Hammoud Mugiyono Kasido Marcela Levi Vera Mantero
Linda Samaraweerowa Amaia Urra
Who is current Tunisia leader?
Principal Government Officials Of TunisiaPresident--Zine El Abidine Ben AliPrime Minister--Mohamed GhannouchiMinister of State--Abdelaziz Ben DhiaMinister of Foreign Affairs--Abdelwahab AbdallahMinister of National Defense--Kamel MorjaneAmbassador to the United States--Mohamed Nejib Hachana
What actors and actresses appeared in Rodriguez au pays des merguez - 1980?
The cast of Rodriguez au pays des merguez - 1980 includes:
Georges Blaness as La Sanche Philippe Clair as Roro Mohammed
Djazini Mohammed Esseghir Nejib Guibene Fabio Madar as Ali Doryth
Sfez as Fatama
What actors and actresses appeared in Ghodoua Nahrek - 2000?
The cast of Ghodoua Nahrek - 2000 includes: Babouna Ben Ayed as
Madame Mimouni Jalila Borhane as Souad Amel Hedhili as Fatma
Abdellatif Kheireddine as Waiter Jannette Ounissi as Monia Samia
Rhaiem as The owner
What actors and actresses appeared in Charter Show - 2010?
The cast of Charter Show - 2010 includes: Nejib Friji as Himself
- Director of UN Information Centre, Gulf Moza Hisham Rabiea as
Herself - Student Mohammed Hussein Khalifa as Himself - Man
Greeting on Square Ali Saeed Abdulla Swallim as Himself - Man
Greeting on Square
What actors and actresses appeared in Tunisians Stories - 2011?
The cast of Tunisians Stories - 2011 includes: Taoufik Ayeb as
Sami Yasmine Azaiez as Shams Nejib Belhassen as Hassan Maram Ben
Aziza as Sabrine Ali Bennor as Raouf Nadia Boussetta as Chahinez
Hamdi Hadda as Mo Norchen Mezni as Nour Chakera Rammeh as Ines
What are some six letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter Y and 4th letter E and 5th letter D?
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries
used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -AYED-.
That is, six letter words with 2nd letter A and 3rd letter Y and
4th letter E and 5th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: