'Midnight Cowboy' (1969).
The song was performed by Harry Nilsson.
Yes, but so did I and dozens of others. The hit version, which was part of the Midnight Cowboy sound track, was sung by the late, great Harry Nilsson. It was a cover of a song written and first released by Fred Neil.
The Cowboy and the Movie Star - 1998 - TV was released on: USA: 7 June 1998
Midnight Cowboy was released on 05/25/1969.
The duration of Midnight Cowboy is 1.88 hours.
The Production Budget for Midnight Cowboy was $3,600,000.
Midnight Cowboy was created on 1969-05-25.
The Production Budget for Midnight Cowboy was $3,600,000.
James Leo Herlihy is the author of the novel "Midnight Cowboy".
Midnight Cowboy grossed $44,785,053 worldwide.
Yes, he was nominated as Best Actor for Midnight Cowboy(1969).
"Midnight Cowboy" was originally written as a novel by James Leo Herlihy in 1965. It later became more famous as a film adaptation in 1969, directed by John Schlesinger.
John Schlesinger