Mendele Moykher Sforim was born on January 2, 1836.
Mendele Moykher Sforim died on December 8, 1917 at the age of 81.
Mendele Moykher Sforim was born on January 2, 1836 and died on December 8, 1917. Mendele Moykher Sforim would have been 81 years old at the time of death or 179 years old today.
Mendele Moykher Sforim died on December 8, 1917 at the age of 81.
Mendele Mocher Sforim was born in 1839.
Mendele Mocher Sforim died in 1917.
Mendele Mocher Sforim's birth name is Sjolem Jakow Abramowitsj.
Mendele Moicher Sfurim has written: 'Fischke der Krumme'
Josef Mendele is not a well-known figure and there is limited information available about someone by that name. It is possible that he is a private individual or a lesser-known historical figure. More context or details would be needed to provide a more specific answer.
the pea plant is largely self pollinated the pollination can be externally manipulated to ensure that only what we desire is fertilised it has relatively less no. of phenotypes(external characteristics)
The cast of The Light Ahead - 1939 includes: Ben Adler Helena Benda Helen Beverly as Hodel (the blind) Rosetta Bialis as Drabke Nuchim Brind as Chaim Shuster Misha Budkin Celia Budkin as Chaye Jenny Cashier as Dobe (the hunchback Isidore Cashier as Mendele Moicher Sforim Judel Dubinsky as Isaak (the stutterer) Misha Ferson as Reb Aaron Abraham Fishkind Isaac Gladstone Wolf Goldfaden as Wecker Anna Guskin as Gitel Zisze Kac as Badchen Solomon Krause Israel Mandel as Yisrolick Wolf Mercur as Getzel Saul Nagoshiner David Opatoshu as Fishke (the lame) Tillie Rabinowitz as Neche Isaak Rothblum Leon Seidenberg as Alter Leon Shachter as Frechman Morris Shorr as Hershel Louis Weisberg
Andreas Teuber has: Played Nikos in "I Spy" in 1965. Played Jaimy in "The Big Valley" in 1965. Played Mephistophilis in "Doctor Faustus" in 1967. Played Jesus in "Generation of Leaves: Jesus - A Passion Play for Americans" in 1970. Played Mendele in "The Imported Bridegroom" in 1990.