She is now a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada, and serves a parish (St. John's) in Edmonton.
Thomas Wilcox was born in 1549.
Flip Floyd Wilcox's birth name is Floyd E. Wilcox.
Laura Elizabeth Wilcox was born on January 19, 1984, in Holliston, Massachusetts, USA.
Harlow Wilcox was born on March 12, 1900, in Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Mary Charlotte Wilcox is 5' 6".
Charlotte Mary Brame was born in 1836.
Charlotte Mary Yonge was born on 1823-08-11.
She is now a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada, and serves a parish (St. John's) in Edmonton.
Charlotte E. Wilcox has written: 'Come on' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY
Mary Charlotte Thurtle was born on October 25, 1961, in Wichita, Kansas, USA.
Paula Wilcox's birth name is Mary Paula Wilcox.
The phone number of the Mary Wilcox Memorial Library is: 607-692-3159.
Thomas Wilcox was born in 1549.
Simon Wilcox was born in 1976.
Ansley Wilcox was born in 1856.
Archie Wilcox was born in 1903.