Joe South wrote the song and Lynn Anderson sung it.
Jo Anderson helped Cyrus mccromick to invent the reaper.
William Anderson - engineer - was born in 1835.
John Hawkins Anderson was born in 1805.
John Anderson - sportscaster - was born on 1965-05-13.
Martina Hook was born in 1982.
Martina Löw was born in 1965.
Martina Fortkord was born in 1973.
Martina Zellner was born in 1974.
Martina Valmassoi was born in 1989.
Hemayel Martina was born in 1990.
Martina Walther was born in 1963.
Martina Ratej was born in 1981.
Martina Beck was born in 1979.
Martina Janková was born in 1972.
Martina Zubčić was born in 1989.
Martina Hellmann was born in 1960.