Les Feldick was born in 1927.
Leslie Hunter was born on 1877-08-07.
They were born and raised in Sarcelles, Val d'Oise, France.
Laurent and Larry Bourgeois are best known as the Les Twins. The Les Twins were born December 6, 1988, which makes them 24 years of age as of July 2013.
Les Spann died in 1989.
Nigel Barley was born in 1947.
Jack Barley was born in 1887.
Kate Barley was born in 1915.
Bryan Barley was born on 1960-01-04.
John E. Barley was born on 1945-12-06.
Stephen R. Barley was born on 1953-02-16.
Donny Barley was born on July 7, 1973, in New London, Connecticut, USA.
Les Brown was born on March 14, 1912.
Les Murray was born on October 17, 1938.
Les Feldick was born in 1927.
Les Gandar was born in 1919.
Les O'Connell was born in 1958.