

Best Answer

Kayte Ferguson was born in 1974.

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Q: When was Kayte Ferguson born?
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How tall is Kayte Ferguson?

Kayte Ferguson is 165 cm.

When was Kayte Christensen born?

Kayte Christensen was born on November 16, 1980.

What is Kayte Christensen's birthday?

Kayte Christensen was born on November 16, 1980.

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The cast of Morepork - 2013 includes: Kayte Ferguson as Woman John Sumner as Mr. Wiseman

How tall is Kayte Giralt?

Kayte Giralt is 5' 8 1/2".

How tall is Sarah Kayte Foster?

I couldn't find any information about the height of Sarah Kayte Foster.

Which is cooler way to spell... kayte or kate?

I suppose, because it's different, that Kayte would be cooler but it's all a matter of opinion. I quite like Kayte or Cate or Cait.

How old is Kayte Christensen?

Kayte Christensen is 30 years old (birthdate: November 16, 1980).

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Will Ferguson was born in 1964.

How many people are named kayte?

Not many. Everyone i know! i only associate with people called kayte and spell their name k-a-y-t-e! :)

When was Rachel Ferguson born?

Rachel Ferguson was born in 1892.

When was Helaman Ferguson born?

Helaman Ferguson was born in 1940.