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acgha lagayga
Juka is 31 years old (birthdate: October 4, 1981).
Uptal Dutt has: Performed in "Yeh Kaisa Nashaa Hai" in 1981. Played Actor in "Raaste Pyar Ke" in 1982. Performed in "Thriyathri" in 1990. Performed in "Pyara Sangam" in 1994. Performed in "Faisla Main Karungi" in 1995.
Martta Reima has: Performed in "Kotimuistutus" in 1971. Played Eeva in "Tavallinen Impi" in 1974. Played Landlady in "Jouluksi kotiin" in 1975. Played Kaisa in "Koivuharju" in 1976. Played Tuovi Juntunen in "Maausko uus" in 1976. Played Vanha rouva in "Ulosmittaajat" in 1982.
The cast of Skorpionin tanssi - 1986 includes: Sanna Fransman Tuomas Mattila Eero Pikkarainen Kaisa Rastimo Auvo Vihro Aapo Vilhunen
Kaisa Varis was born in 1975.
Kaisa Sere was born in 1954.
Kaisa Parviainen was born in 1914.
Kaisa Pajusalu was born in 1989.
Kaisa Roose was born in 1969.
Kaisa Jouhki was born on July 7, 1980.
Kaisa Leka was born on 1978-10-25.
Kaisa Mäkäräinen was born on 1983-01-11.
Aino-Kaisa Saarinen was born in 1979.
Anna-Kaisa Rantanen was born on 1978-02-10.
Kaisa ElRamly was born on May 8, 1975, in Helsinki, Finland.