Jonas Arčikauskas was born in 1957.
Albertus Jonas Brandt was born in 1788.
Jonas Lovis Kemmler was born on August 4, 1996.
Nick Jonas was born on September 16, 1992
Jonas Gustavsson was born in Danderyd, Sweden on 10-24-84.
Jonas Danilssønn Ramus died in 1718.
Petrus Ramus was born in 1515.
Joshua Prince-Ramus was born on 1969-08-11.
Nick Ramus was born on September 9, 1929, in Seattle, Washington, USA.
what is white ramus?
Ramus is Latin for a branch or twig.
Petrus Ramus died in 1572.
A ramus is an extension of a bone making an angle with the rest of the structure.
Goodrich-Ramus Barn was created in 1942.
The dorsal ramus is typically smaller than the ventral ramus in terms of size. The dorsal ramus branches off the spinal nerve and supplies the muscles and skin of the back, whereas the ventral ramus is larger and supplies the limbs and anterior trunk.
The cast of Ramus - 2012 includes: Chris Devito
Jonas Karlhager was born in Norrtlje, in Sweden.