John Stuhr's birth name is John J. Stuhr.
Elaine Stuhr was born in 1936.
Jerzy Stuhr was born on April 18, 1947.
Greg Stuhr was born in Buffalo, in New York, USA.
Kevin Stuhr Ellegaard was born on 1983-05-23.
Fred Stuhr was born on October 3, 1967, in California, USA.
Jerzy Stuhr was born on April 18, 1947.
Maciej Stuhr was born on June 23, 1975, in Krakw, Malopolskie, Poland.
Jerzy Stuhr's birth name is Jerzy Oskar Stuhr.
Jerzy Stuhr is 64 years old (birthdate: April 18, 1947).
The country code and area code of Stuhr-Heiligenrode, Germany is 49, (0)4206.
The phone number of the Stuhr Museum Of The Prairie Pioneer is: 308-385-5316.