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Jimmy Carr was born on September 15, 1972.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Jimmy Carr was born in Hounslow, London on 15th September 1972.

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When was Jimmy Carr - footballer - born?

Jimmy Carr - footballer - was born on 1893-12-19.

What is Jimmy Carr's birthday?

Jimmy Carr was born on September 15, 1972.

Are jimmy carr and Alan carr related?

No they are not related, However they do joke about on TV saying they are.

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Jimmy Carr - footballer - died on 1980-06-26.

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jimmy carr's brother's called colin.

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Jimmy Carr Comedian - 2007 V is rated/received certificates of: UK:15

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no they are in fact not even though jimmy talks about being related on tv

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Rich enough to not have to tax dodge

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Colin Carr was born in 1957.