Jim Breech is 5' 6".
Jim Breech's birth name is James Thomas Breech.
Kathryn Breech was born on February 26, 19??,.
Entering the 2010 season, that is place kicker Jim Breech (1980-1992) with 1151 points.
Approximately 3-4% of babies are born in the breech position, where the baby's feet or bottom are positioned to come out first instead of the head.
breech. lol. Edit: it does NOT mean breech ! A 'breech' baby is one that's positioned with the head uppermost in the womb !
That is called a Breech delivery, named after Frank Breech.
This is called "breech position." Breech position is when the baby's head is near the top of the uterus and the legs are near the cervix. Most breech babies are born by the way of c-section.
Being born head first. The medical term is being "vertex."
Jim Brothers was born in 1941.
Jim Hendrick was born in 1934.
Jim Herr was born in 1924.