Jennifer Murillo was born on December 15, 1983.
Jennifer Thanisch was born in 1964.
Jennifer Chiaverini was born in 1969.
Jennifer Decker was born in 1982.
Jennifer Aylmer was born in 1972.
Franceway Ranna Cossitt was born in 1790.
Thomas Cossitt was born on 1927-11-15.
Franceway Ranna Cossitt died in 1863.
Thomas Cossitt died on 1982-03-15.
The phone number of the Cossitt Branch Library is: 901-526-1712.
The address of the Cossitt Branch Library is: 33 S. Front Street, Memphis, 38103 2409
The phone number of the Frederick H. Cossitt Library is: 860-653-8958.
The address of the Frederick H. Cossitt Library is: 388 North Granby Road, Granby, 06060 0098
Franceway Ranna Cossitt has written: 'The life and times of Rev. Finis Ewing' -- subject(s): Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Jennifer Rankine was born in 1953.
Jennifer Murillo was born on December 15, 1983.
Jennifer Ehle was born on December 29, 1969.