Jean Bousquet was born on January 22, 1923, in Toulouse, France.
Jean Vuarnet was born in 1933.
Jean Image was born on January 26, 1910.
Jean Baptiste Massillon was born on June 24, 1663.
Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Duchesne was born in 1770.
Berlie Doherty was born in Knotty Ash, UK on November 6, 1943.
Berlie Doherty, the English author, is still alive as of my last information update.
Berlie Doherty won a Writers' Guild Award for Daughter of the Sea in 1997
6th November
Berlie Doherty married Alan Brown. Alan Brown is also writes for children.
Jean-Baptiste Jean was born in 1953.
Yes,3 children.
Berlie Doherty
Jean Bousquet was born on January 22, 1923, in Toulouse, France.
Jean Begg was born in 1886.
Jean Vuarnet was born in 1933.
Jean Heker was born in 1909.