Jane Stanton Hitchcock was born on November 24, 1946, in New York, USA.
Nora Stanton Blatch Barney was born in 1883.
Russell Hitchcock was born on June 15, 1949.
Mike Stanton - left-handed pitcher - was born on 1967-06-02.
Alex Stanton Smith was born in San Francisco, in California, USA.
Jane Fenn Hoskens was born in 1694.
Jane Stanton Hitchcock's birth name is Jane Crowley.
Alfred Hitchcock's parents were William and Emma Jane Hitchcock
William Hitchcock and Emma Jane Hitchcock. That's the answer given by wikipedia.
Paul Hitchcock was born in 1975.
Peter Hitchcock was born in 1781.
Basil Hitchcock was born in 1877.
Samuel Hitchcock was born in 1755.
George Hitchcock was born in 1850.
Harold Hitchcock was born in 1914.
Ripley Hitchcock was born in 1857.
A. S. Hitchcock was born in 1865.
Howard Hitchcock was born in 1866.