Kris Hanna was born in 1962.
No, she isn't.
Hanna Siniora was born on 1937-11-06.
William Hanna was born on July 14, 1910.
Hanna Kvanmo was born on 1926-06-14.
Jack Hanna was born on January 2, 1947.
Jack Hanna goes by Jungle Jack.
Jack Hanna is 6' 1".
Jack Hanna's birth name is John Bushnell Hanna.
The cast of ZooLife with Jack Hanna - 1992 includes: Jack Hanna as himself
Jack Hanna's Into the Wild was created on 2007-09-01.
The duration of Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures is 1800.0 seconds.
Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures was created on 1993-10-02.
Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures ended on 2008-05-24.
Jack Hanna's Into the Wild - 2007 Montana Hanna's 3-9 was released on: USA: 22 January 2010
YES, Jack Hanna is a good roll model because he can save the environment and he also saves the animals in need of lots of care and food. JACK HANNA IS GOOD AND HE ROCKS