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Hemat Abedinejad was born on 1980-06-23.

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lets face it means bring it on dont run away from the problem face it by hemat ;)

What is the combining form for blood?

The combining form for blood is hem/o or hemat/o.

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Hematemesis is the medical term for vomiting blood.HEMATEMESIS (hemat = blood, -emesis = vomiting)Vomiting blood derrr....This is called Hematemesis.

Did the ancient egyptians play soccer?

Baseball might actually have had its origins in ancient Egypt, where the Pharaohs played a game called seker-hemat, hitting a ball with a stick, with their priests as catchers.

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The medical terminology combining form meaning pregnant is "gravido-".

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning mass of blood?

The medical terminology combining form for mass of blood is hemat/o-.

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topologi star merupakan salah satu topologi dalam sistem internet atau jaringan sehingga antara komputer server dan komputer klien saling berhubungan. dimana topoligi star banyak digunakan dalam jaringan LAN maupun WAN. selain mudah dalam instalasinya, topologi star tidak memerlukan banyak komponen pendukung serta hemat dalam segi biaya.

What is the medical terminology breakdown of the word hematocrit?

Hematocrit is from two Greek words. Hemat = blood + crit = separate. The lab test is easily done by placing a blood tube into a centrifuge and "spinning it down". The result is a separation of the liquid and solid portions of the blood. The measurement is the volume of red cells expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume. Form men the value is between 43 & 49% and for women, between 37 and 43%. Values lower than this would indicate anemia.

When was Ann Hutchins born?

she was born when she was born she was born when she was born