Harry Potter, the fictional hero of the Harry Potter7-book series, was born on 31 July 1980. There was a lot of hype before the publication and release of the seventh and final book as to whether Harry would die or not, the main fear (of course) being that he would be finally murdered by Lord Voldemort. Daniel Radcliffe, actor who played Harry in the movies of the series, was convinced that his character would die.
SPOILERS to those unfamiliar with the final book and film follow:
Harry Potter ends up surviving the final Potter adventure. He is present at Platform 9 and 3 quarters to say goodbye to his children as they dash off to Hogwarts 19 years after the final battle with Voldemort. I do not know why, not the slightest idea why, the question asks 'and when did he die?'. Now we know he survives the books, he did NOT die in the books. Nor the films. I do not think for one second that J.K. Rowling has revealed when this wonderful character dies, late in life, after having had another 16 children, after having become Minister for Magic......I do not know when he dies.
Harry Potter 1, Harry Potter 2, Harry Potter 3, Harry Potter 4, Harry Potter 5, Harry Potter 6, Harry Potter 7, Harry Potter 8.
Harry Potter is a famous character not an actor. He doesn't actually exist.Daniel Radcliffe portrays Harry Potter in the movies, he is a famous actor from England.
When Harry visited his parents graves in book seven, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Lily Potter's birth date is written as the 30th of January 1960. Her birthday is before Harry's father James' which is on the 27th of March 1960.
The first book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(American title) or Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(other countries). The last book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Harry Davis - potter - was born in 1910.
No, the Harry Potter series is set in the UK. Harry Potter was born in England.
Harry Potter was not born in Japan but in Godrics hollow
The character Harry Potter was born in Godrics Hallow.
Its Actually Called Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone silly
Lily (Evans) Potter. Harry Potter's mother.
Harry Potter was born in 1980. He turned 19 in 1999.
Harry Potter. Its actually been proven, from a slection of fictional characters, which one it was. Harry Potter v Sonic!
An idiots guide to Harry Potter would suit you perfectly. (Real Book and would actually fulfill what you are asking for.
Harry Potter was born the son of Lily and James Potter who unfortunately died when Harry is a newborn
actually no, there are no new harry potter books so no new hp films