Grandmaster Ratte' was born in 1970.
Grandmaster Flash was born on January 1, 1958.
Miami Slice - 2004 was released on: USA: 6 September 2004
Grandmaster Ip Chun is still very much alive and has celebrated his 90th birthday this year. (2013)
Grandmaster Ratte' was born in 1970.
Grandmaster Flash was born on January 1, 1958.
Grandmaster Caz was born on 1961-04-17.
Grandmaster Flash was born on January 1, 1958.
Joseph Saddler (Grandmaster Flash) was born in Bridgetown, Barbados on January 1st, 1958.
Kimbo Slice was born on February 8, 1974.
Kimbo Slice was born on February 8, 1974.
Grandmaster Caz goes by Casanova Fly.
Pendyala Harikrishna , born May 10, 1986 , became the India's youngest Grandmaster .
Grandmaster Caz's birth name is Curtis Fisher.
Grandmaster Flash's birth name is Joseph Saddler.
Pendyala Harikrishna , born May 10, 1986 , became the India's youngest Grandmaster .