Gloria Loring was born on December 10, 1946, in New York City, New York, USA.
Benjamin Loring Young was born in 1885.
Ellis Loring Dresel was born in 1865.
Frederick Wadsworth Loring was born in 1848.
Gloria Loring sings the theme song of The Facts of Life.
Charles Loring Elliott was born in 1812.
Gloria Loring-Lagler is 71 years old. She was born Gloria Goff on December 10, 1946.
Gloria Loring's birth name is Gloria Jean Goff.
One of the most popular songs that Gloria Loring has released is the song Friends & Lovers. Another of the songs that she has released is the song Talk to Me.
Her name is Gloria Loring
Nele Loring was born in 1320.
Emilie Loring was born in 1864.
Joshua Loring was born in 1716.
Lisa Loring was born on February 16, 1958.
Benjamin Loring Young was born in 1885.
Ellis Loring Dresel was born in 1865.
Frederick Wadsworth Loring was born in 1848.
Edward G. Loring was born in 1802.