David Lovell was born in 1969.
Her name was karry lovell of course born in 1936
John Fulton Reynolds was born on September 20, 1820.
Fulton J. Sheen died on December 9, 1979 at the age of 84.
William D. Fulton died on 1925-03-02.
Fulton Lovell died in 1980.
David Lovell was born in 1969.
Christopher Lovell was born in 1967.
Robert Lovell was born in 1771.
Simon Lovell was born in 1957.
Lovell Wooldridge was born in 1901.
Sue Lovell was born in 1950.
Ann Lovell was born in 1811.
Joseph Lovell was born in 1788.
Frank Lovell was born in 1913.
Lovell Squire was born in 1809.
Lovell Coleman was born in 1939.